Samsung has taken the wrapper off its rumored smartphone with a curved OLED display. The Galaxy Round, which will launch on SK Telecom in South Korea, has a 5.7-inch 1080p screen the same size as seen on the company’s Galaxy Note 3, but there’s a difference — it curves on the vertical axis in a similar fashion to some of Samsung’s OLED TVs.
Comcast chief software architect explains VIPER project
Comcast recently deployed a “home-grown video infrastructure” called VIPER which it is using to deliver “broadcast-grade” programming to subscribers using TVs, Web browsers, mobile devices and gaming consoles, SVP Sree Kotay wrote in a blog post Monday.
AT&T MVNO Pure Talk introduces rollover data plan
Low-cost AT&T Mobility MVNO Pure Talk USA is launching a rollover data component to some of its plans, similar to rollover voice minutes that have long been a hallmark of AT&T’s service.
Samsung Taps Dick Tracy and the Jetsons to Help Sell Its Galaxy Gear Watch
It’s not clear yet whether customers want the smartwatch that Samsung has built. But there’s no doubt that Americans have long been fascinated with wrist-worn tech.
Detours: Detroit-area firefighters battle a plague of burning buildings
Limited budgets and crumbling infrastructure have left Highland Park’s fire department stretched thin. Abandoned buildings are burning with families inside.
A city in flames: inside Detroit’s war on arson
Understaffed and with few resources, Detroit-area firefighters battle a plague of abandoned, burning buildings.
AliveCor ECG comes to Android, transmits your palpitations to Instagram
If you’ve been gazing longingly at the AliveCor Heart Monitor but an Android affinity has kept you out in the cold, its developer has good news. Starting today, AliveCor’s clinical-quality (and now FDA-approved) ECG is compatible with the Samsung Galaxy S III, S4 and the HTC One.
BlackBerry’s Latest Filing Paints Grimmest Picture Yet of Company’s Business
How bad are things at BlackBerry?
FreedomPop intros $99 smartphone, $11/month unlimited talking, texting plan
Sprint MVNO FreedomPop today expanded its offerings to include a smartphone and voice calling and texting services. Previously the company centered its strategy on selling wireless data through hotspots and other data-only devices.
Dish Hopper DVRs open up to home automation control
Back in July Dish Network announced plans to open its Hopper DVR platform to mobile app developers, and today at CEDIA we saw the results of that initiative.